What You Need to Know About Asbestos
If you ever experience asbestos exposure , it could be very hazardous for your health and cause serious problems for you down the line. Asbestos fibers that were once used to manufacture everything from drywall to ceiling tiles can enter your lungs if they are disturbed. Watch this video to find out the things you need to know about asbestos exposure and the dangers poses by asbestos.
Before you do any work in your home or agree to complete a project in someone else’s home or business, you should have an asbestos test done. The test will tell you whether or not asbestos is present. If it is, you should have it removed by a professional to ensure that asbestos exposure does not take place. Look out for asbestos symptoms if you feel you may have come into contact with it. Asbestos testing companies in San Francisco can recommend the appropriate remediation steps if asbestos is found inside your home.
Lead Paint and Your Health
Lead paint can be extremely problematic for men, women, and especially children, which is why you should consider having a lead survey done on your home to detect the presence of lead. Federal regulations didn’t restrict the use of lead paint until 1978, meaning many older homes still have it. You should strongly consider lead testing near San Francisco to see whether or not lead is present in your home. Here are some of the ways that lead paint can affect those in your family.
Health Hazards for Children
If lead paint or lead dust is present, your children could be very susceptible to the dangers of lead exposure. This is because children’ nervous systems are typically more sensitive than adults’ nervous systems. Lead exposure can lead to kidney damage, behavioral and learning problems, stunted growth, and hearing issues in children.Health Hazards for Adults
While adults are less prone to experience lead poisoning than small children, they can still feel the effects of lead exposure. Lead exposure can lead to high blood pressure, memory problems, muscle and joint pain, nervous system disorders, fertility issues, and more in adults.Health Hazards for Pregnant Women
Pregnant women should never be exposed to lead. If lead enters their systems, they can pass it along to their unborn babies. This can lead to premature births, brain and nervous system damage, and lower birth weights. Lead exposure can also cause permanent damage to babies.Protecting Your Family
The only way to know if your home has lead inside of it is to have a lead survey done. A lead paint test can determine whether or not the interior and exterior of your home was ever painted with lead. If it was, you can then decide how to treat the walls of your home accordingly to prevent lead poisoning from taking place. It’s very important to test for lead before it is too late. -
A Look at Your Lead Testing Options
Testing your home for lead paint with a lead survey is something that you should do if your house was built before 1978. That was the year federal regulations outlawed the use of lead paint because of the dangerous health risks associated with lead exposure. You can have a lead test in San Francisco done today to find out whether or not lead is present in your home.
Safe Air Fast can test your home by doing a full or limited lead survey. We can either examine your entire home for the presence of lead or just certain parts that you suspect might include lead. We can collect paint samples from your home, test them at an ELLAP accredited lab, and show you the lead test results. We can also help you remove lead paint from your home and then re-test it to make sure the lead is 100 percent gone. You can trust Safe Air Fast with the speedy removal of lead from the premises. We also provide asbestos testing and mold inspections in the Bay Area.
Answers to Common Questions About Asbestos
The idea of being exposed to asbestos in your own home can be very scary, especially if you don’t know anything about it. If you suspect asbestos exposure, you should familiarize yourself with asbestos so that you know what it is and how it might affect you. You should also have asbestos testing in San Francisco done to confirm whether or not asbestos is present in your home or business. Here are the answers to some common questions about asbestos.
What is asbestos?
Asbestos is a mineral that can be broken down into durable fibers that are then woven into larger fabrics and used to create many things. Traditionally, asbestos has been used in many building materials because it is fire- and heat-resistant and does not conduct electricity well.What are some of the health risks associated with asbestos?
While asbestos is great for building, it is also a serious health hazard. If products that were made using asbestos are disturbed, asbestos fibers can be freed into the air and end up in your lungs. They can remain there for a long period of time and cause scarring, inflammation, breathing issues, and even cancer. Asbestos is a carcinogen recognized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and can be extremely dangerous.What are the symptoms of asbestos exposure?
If you believe you experienced asbestos exposure, there are a number of asbestos symptoms that you should look out for. For example, shortness of breath, blood coughed up from the lungs, tightening of the chest, sudden weight loss, swelling of the face, and fatigue are all signs of asbestos-related health issues and should be treated immediately.What is the best way to remove asbestos?
Homeowners should never attempt to remove asbestos on their own. A home must be treated properly in order to remove asbestos without disturbing it. Without professional help, you could run the risk of disturbing the asbestos in your home and breathing it in, which could lead to very serious complications. -
Angie’s List Mold Remediation
Large amounts of mold can cause serious health concerns as well as extensive harm to your home. If you suspect that there is mold in your home, it is best to get it under control before it can harm you, your family, or your property. Luckily, working with a company that conducts mold inspections in San Francisco can help keep your family safe. Watch this video to learn why you should act quickly to control mold.
Asthma, allergies, and skin rashes can be black mold symptoms. If you know you have mold, you can try to remove it on your own by eliminating the source of moisture, but mold remediation professionals can help to eliminate it completely. The costs of working with a professional can vary depending on the scope of the job, but it will help to keep your family safe and healthy.
Frequently Asked Questions About Mold
Most people understand that mold does not belong in their home, but they may not understand exactly why. If you are on the fence about getting a mold inspection near San Francisco, you may want to learn more about what mold in your home can mean for you and your family. In order to help you gain a wealth of knowledge about mold, here are the answers to some frequently asked questions on the topic.
Who is Affected by Mold?
Mold exposure can make you and your family extremely ill. If you have young children or infants in your home, they are very susceptible to theeffects of mold , as are the elderly. Also, if you have anyone in your home who has a suppressed immune system or asthma, mold can negatively affect them.Why Does Mold Grow?
In nature, mold is very important. It grows in order to help the decomposition of leaves, trees, and other plants. In nature, mold grows in areas with high moisture content. Mold is not hazardous in small amounts; however, in large amounts it can pose a threat to you or your loved one’s health.Where Can Mold Be Found?
Everyone is exposed to mold every day, but in small doses. In your home, it is possible for large amounts of mold to build up. Mold can be found in your carpets, on your walls, appliances, or your floors. Just as in nature, mold will thrive in damp places such as your bathroom, kitchen, or basement.How Can You Treat Mold?
Mold will grow anywhere that conditions are suitable for it. There is no stopping mold completely, but you can take action against it. If you suspect that there are large amounts of mold in your home, working with a company that specializes in mold inspections can help you control it. They can help you identify your home’s problem areas and should also be able to help you remove the mold. -
Bacteria Testing 101
Every home has bacteria, and many types of bacteria can even be good for you and your family. However, some bacteria can be hazardous to your health. Fortunately, companies that specialize in mold and asbestos testing in San Francisco often can also test for harmful bacteria in your home. To learn about bacteria testing, keep reading.
Like asbestos testing, getting a bacteria test performed in your home can help to protect your family from health hazards. There are generally two types of assessments that should be made. The first is a preliminary bacteria/sewage assessment. This assessment will check to see if sewage indicator bacteria are present in your home. The other assessment is a follow-up assessment to determine that the remediation efforts were successful. This assessment will take surface samples to make sure there are no sewage indicator bacteria present. If the first assessment was done correctly, your home will be cleared.
A Look at Asbestos in the Home
Asbestos is a mineral fiber, and if it becomes damaged, it can be hazardous to you and your family. Unfortunately, asbestos can be found in many older homes across America. Working with a company that can do asbestos testing in San Francisco will be able to tell you if asbestos is in your house. If you are looking to learn more about asbestos and its potential dangers, read on.
Where Can Asbestos Be Found?
Oftentimes, one can find asbestos in roofing shingles or installation of older homes. If your home was built prior to 1977, you may find that asbestos exists in textured paints, often found on the ceiling. As wonderful as it is to have an old wood stove in your home, be aware that the walls and floor surrounding it may have been protected with asbestos paper. Also, you should look for asbestos around your hot water pipes, as they may be coated with an asbestos tape.How is Asbestos Hazardous to Your Health?
Some health concerns related to asbestos are worse than others, but all asbestos symptoms should be taken seriously. Asbestos has been linked to lung cancer when high amounts of asbestos fibers are inhaled. If you smoke and breathe in vast amounts of asbestos over time, your chances of lung cancer increase. Usually, symptoms of lung cancer from asbestos will not occur for 20-30 years after the exposure.How Do You to Detect Asbestos in Your Home?
The safest way to detect if asbestos is in your home is to hire a company in your area that specializes in asbestos testing. If there is damaged asbestos in your home, it is best to contact a company to conduct the testing as soon as possible.How to Stop Asbestos Exposure in Your Home?
If your test results show that damaged asbestos is in your home, it is best to repair the damaged materials. This can be done by covering or sealing the damaged areas. However, in some cases removal may be necessary to keep you and your family healthy. -
Important Information About Lead Paint
Up to 35 percent of the homes in the United States contain lead paint somewhere on their properties. Older homes are more likely to be contaminated with lead paint than newer residences. For example, up to 9 out of 10 houses built before 1940 contain lead paint. This statistic drops to 7 out of 10 houses that were constructed between 1940 and 1960. If you are concerned about lead paint in your home, you may want to consider setting up a lead survey. During a lead survey, a team of experienced technicians will use a lead testing kit near San Francisco to check for any signs of lead contamination. To learn some more important information about lead paint, be sure to check out this video from Angie’s List.
Why Is Asbestos Removal Important?
Whether you are planning on renovating an older home or are concerned about the safety of your current property, you may want to consider scheduling asbestos testing. Asbestos is a building material that was widely used for construction up until the 1970s. Once the deadly dangers of asbestos symptoms become widely known, may property owners chose to remove this highly hazardous substance from their properties. A company offering asbestos testing in San Francisco can help you identify and treat any areas of your home that may be contaminated with asbestos. Here is a look at some of the top reasons why asbestos removal is so important.
Asbestos Is Widely Present
One of the top reasons why asbestos removal is so important is that this toxic substance is widely present in homes and buildings across the country. According to recent studies , as many as 30 million commercial and residential buildings contain a significant amount of asbestos. If your property is contaminated with asbestos, it is critical to schedule removal services right away.Asbestos Harms Your Health
Another important reason to have your home tested for asbestos is that asbestos fibers are extremely damaging to your health. Ongoing exposure to asbestos has been linked to a number of potentially fatal health conditions, including asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer. By having asbestos removed by a highly rated contractor in your area, you will have the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you and your loved ones are protected from the threat of asbestos contamination.Asbestos Removal May Be Required
In certain instances, asbestos removal may be required by law. For example, if you are planning on renovating an older building, or demolishing a property, you will typically be required to perform an asbestos inspection. If asbestos is found in your building, you will need to have the contaminated areas cleaned before you are able to proceed with your project.
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- Lead Survey
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- lead paint
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- Air Quality Test
- Mold removal