Exposing Myths about Lead Poisoning

Lead is a heavy metal that was used for many residential and commercial purposes, the most notable being lead paint and lead varnishes. Lead-based paint was available to the general public until 1978, when it was banned for residential use due to the toxicity of lead. If you live in an older home or apartment building in San Francisco, contact a lead paint testing and removal company to protect yourself and your family from the harmful side effects of lead poisoning. To clear the air surrounding lead, here’s the truth behind some of the most common myths about lead poisoning.

Lead Paid Testing Bay Area

Myth: Eating Paint Chips is the Only Way to Get Lead Poisoning
While eating paint chips or chewing on things that have lead paint are obvious ways a child can be poisoned by lead, he or she only has to breathe lead dust to become poisoned. Toys that have come into contact with lead dust can also poison a child when put in the mouth.

Myth: Low Levels of Lead are Harmless
The truth is that even very low levels of lead in a child’s blood can create long-term developmental problems. If your child’s doctor finds evidence of lead poisoning, contact a lead paint removal company in San Francisco to eliminate the risk of further contact with lead.

Myth: Lead Poisoning is Not a Problem Anymore
It’s true that lead-based paint is no longer available to the general public, but that doesn’t mean lead poisoning isn’t a very real problem. As lead-based paint gets older, it begins to peel and chip. Old lead-based paint also creates dust that can be inhaled and lead to lead poisoning in children and adults.

Myth: Only Children are at Risk from Lead Poisoning
Speaking of adults, children are not the only ones who are at risk for lead poisoning. It’s true that children are especially vulnerable to the toxicity of lead, but adult health can also be compromised by lead poisoning. For example, exposure among adults can result in reproductive complications. Even if you don’t have children in your home, contact a lead removal company if you suspect your home contains lead-based paint.